Getting Things Done and OmniFocus

OmniFocus program icon

For some time now I’ve tried to adhere to the Getting Things Done methodology for, well, getting things done. My “trusted system” has fallen into disrepair, however, and my in-tray is far from its ideal empty state, with everything properly recorded.

I’m determined to do better in 2008, however. So as I do my end-of-year clean-up, I’m recording everything in the new (beta) OmniFocus software — something designed specifically for this task. I’ll also be looking at tips from the 43folders blog.

2 Replies to “Getting Things Done and OmniFocus”

  1. I’m thoroughly enjoying OmniFocus; it’s helped me plug the leaks in my system. I’m even reviewing, thanks to a handy pair of perspectives. One shows me stalled projects, the other all projects in descending order of their reviewedness…

  2. @Garth Roxburgh-Kidd: Well you’ve just inspired me to take another look at OmniFocus tomorrow and start working everything into it. This year has been better so far — much more organised and goal-focussed as opposed to task-focussed — but one of my goals was to ignore work on the weekend.

    And with that aim in mind, today has been dominated by an el-cheapo copy of Silent Hunter III which is picked up for under $20 last week.

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