Still can’t decide on Australia 2020 referee

I’m stuck. I still can’t decide who to be my second referee for the Australia 2020 Summit. One will be Zern Liew, but I have a dilemma with the second…

As I commented, the people who’ve paid most attention to my work in this field haven’t known me long. My “old” referees, the ones with respectable titles, aren’t across my recent writing. I’m concerned that the old-fashioned nomination process won’t highlight what I want.

Or am I worrying too much?

I’m nominating for topic 9 on governance: “The future of Australian governance: open government (including the role of the media), the structure of government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.”

2 Replies to “Still can’t decide on Australia 2020 referee”

  1. Silly me. Once I thought about it, I realised that one of the country’s leading HR consultants has known me for a decade or more, Adam Salzer. Despite an alarming tendency to look and sound a little like Alexander Downer at times, he’s “one of the Top 20 Australians in Asia” and seems to know how my mind works. He has kindly agreed to be a referee.

  2. Yay!!

    Having taken up a leap day special and jumped from being a crikey squatter to a subscriber, I thought I would cross post this para from today’s newsletter…

    “And another thing that’s missing from the glossy is anything on governance and accountability. The promised ministerial staff code of conduct and the Register of Lobbyists are yet to appear. Crikey understands that the Register will shortly be announced but that the Prime Minister and Cabinet bureaucrats developing the Register have encountered software problems — which, given the public sector’s IT expertise, sounds all too likely.”

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