Evidence of the Farewell Party

Photo from Project TOTO Farewell Party, courtesy Kate Carruthers

Photographic evidence of Saturday’s Farewell Party for Project TOTO — or the going-away-and-maybe-not-coming-back-party as it was dubbed — has started to emerge at the Project TOTO Flickr Group.

Note especially one aspect of geek nature: of the five humans in the foreground, only one is not using a mobile computing device, and he’s reaching for a beer. And yet we’re all still connected with each other in the room, as well as with everyone else.

Note also the Sony Z1P HD video camera in the foreground: apparently video evidence will emerge later too.

Just for the record, from left to right that’s business analyst Jodie Miners; futurist and minor TV personality Mark Pesce; my partner ’Pong; and founders of Open Australia, katska and Matthew Landauer.

[Photo: Going away may be not coming back party by Kate Carruthers. But if she’s in the photo, who took it?]

7 Replies to “Evidence of the Farewell Party”

  1. Oops, I misidentified katska from Open Australia as Kate Carruthers. My mistake. I’ve fixed the post.

    @barry: Yes, that’s your sleeve and cider on the left. Well spotted.

  2. Is that saying that I and Barry are not geeks in the table? I didn’t play with my phone all night except when took the only shot from camera phone and posted on bright kite and flickr as I remembered.

  3. @’Pong: There are different kinds of geeks, but they usually surround themselves with the technology relevant to their field of interest. Perhaps you could explain to me again who brought those to items in the foreground, the Sony Z1P HD video camera and the Nikon D70 digital SLR camera…?

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