Weekly Wrap 738: Three podcasts recorded, nil posted, and what cold weather we’ve been having

My week of Monday 15 to Sunday 21 July 2024 was both busy and not busy. I recorded three of the five special-guest episodes for The 9pm Edict winter series, but during the cold and windy winter weather I was fighting some sort of infection and needed so much sleep.

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Weekly Wrap 737: Admiring an enormous American car while my podcast guests fall ill

A big low-slung American car in silver grey.

My week of Monday 8 to Sunday 14 July 2024 was far less busy than I’d planned, because both of the podcast guests I’d booked in went down with throat infections. Still, I finally posted an episode recorded a couple weeks back, and started planning a Queensland expedition for October.

Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 737: Admiring an enormous American car while my podcast guests fall ill”

The 9pm Half-time Bingo Card Update 2024 with Snarky Platypus

Main image by Rudonni via Pixabay. Foreground bingo card originally by Milton Bradley Company, photo by Abby Hendrickson under under a CC-BY 2.0 Generic license. Platypus inset photo by Taronga Conservation Society Australia / Chris Wheeler. Digital composition by Stilgherrian.

Back at the start of the year, my good friend Snarky Platypus and I created some bingo cards for 2024. Two sets of 25 things that might happen. Well, we’re half-way through the year, so let’s see how we went.

Continue reading “The 9pm Half-time Bingo Card Update 2024 with Snarky Platypus”