While there weren’t a lot of billable hours in my week of Monday 21 to Sunday 27 August 2023, I did have a lovely and productive time in the Hunter Valley. I even saw kangaroos and a couple of very fat pigs.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 691: Sun and fauna in the Hunter Valley”Digital developments from Canberra 50
The big one is the depoliticisation of university research grant funding via the ARC, but there’s also news of ChatGPT use by Defence, password-cracking, and more.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 50”Weekly Wrap 690: The sunny winter continues, but without much productivity
It was another less than fully productive week from Monday 14 to Sunday 20 August 2023, mostly due to lingering laryngitis and general fatigue. This has been a very average winter for me, despite the mostly fine weather. But really, it could be a lot worse, right?
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 690: The sunny winter continues, but without much productivity”Digital developments from Canberra 49
With parliament on break and the Matildas playing football, there wasn’t a lot of Canberra news. But what we do have is dominated by incompetence at both the ATO and Services Australia.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 49”Weekly Wrap 689: Laryngitis and a pretty little spider
My week of Monday 7 to Sunday 13 August 2023 was dominated by laryngitis. So that’s that. But do read on, because there’s some interesting things that don’t involve me.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 689: Laryngitis and a pretty little spider”Digital developments from Canberra 48
So many topics this week. Shoddy work from Home Affairs. Shoddy IT procurement. Surveillance. Digital identity. Data breaches. And pigs. Feral pigs. FERAL PIGS!
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 48”