If you want to learn how to direct multi-camera streaming video on the Internet, and you’re in Sydney, then here’s an opportunity too good to miss! Metro Screen has a full week-long masterclass next week for just $175, and there’s some places left. Check the write-up and get your application in now! You can join ’Pong, who’s doing it to refresh Stilgherrian Live.
Ruddblog: populist masterstroke or full of fail?
I’m also in Crikey today on the Prime Minister’s new blog, with a piece called Ruddblog: populist masterstroke or full of fail? Needless to say, I think it’s the latter. You may like to comment over at Crikey, or continue the conversation on my post from this morning.
Total TOTO on A Series of Tubes
Richard Chirgwin decided to devote almost the entire edition of his A Series of Tubes podcast to Project TOTO. It’s now online for your listening pleasure. As Richard puts it, “One word of warning: calling Tanzania involves a game of count-the-codec: there’s Stil’s mobile, followed by a satellite link (I edited out the delays), followed by the PSTN and finally an Internode VoIP service at my end. Some quality issues may be expected.”
Stilgherrian Live on holidays, sort of
There won’t be an edition of Stilgherrian Live tonight, ‘cos I’m frantically preparing for my Project TOTO visit to Tanzania for ActionAid Australia. The program will return once I’m back in Sydney. Stand by.
Government 2.0 taskforce announced
I’m in Crikey today, writing about yesterday’s Public Sphere forum Government 2.0: Policy and Practice and the launch of the Rudd government’s new Government 2.0 Taskforce. My article, free for all to read, is Government 2.0 Taskforce: first a logo design contest.
Talking about Iran and Twitter
I was on Radio 2SER’s program The Fourth Estate yesterday, talking about Iran and Twitter much as I did for Crikey on Thursday. By all means, listen to the podcast. You’re after the program for 19 June 2009, and it contains other good stuff too.