The latest A Series of Tubes podcast is online for your listening pleasure. Richard Chirgwin talks with Chris King and David Thrum of Palo Alto Networks about the firewall market; sponsor Nortel about last week’s announcements at Interop; and me about National E-Security Week and the decisions of French courts on anti-piracy legislation.
Project TOTO farewell party
The delightful but dangerous Kate Carruthers has confirmed that the Project TOTO going-away-and-maybe-not-coming-back-party is on Saturday 20 June from 3pm at Kelly’s On King, 285 King Street, Newtown in Sydney. If you use Facebook, the electric friendship generator, then you can RSVP over on the event page. Otherwise just tell me. Or just turn up.
Project TOTO Facebook group
My friend Kate Carruthers has decided that we need a Facebook group for Project TOTO. So there it is. You should join, if for no other reason than you’ll be invited to the Stilgherrian’s-going-to-get-killed-so-say-goodbye Party next Saturday 20 June. Probably.
Arriving Dar es Salaam 27 June
I’ve jut been told that I’m scheduled to arrive in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on Saturday 27 June. Which means I’ll leave Sydney on Thursday 25 or Friday 26, depending on the availability of flights. I’ll post further information as it comes to hand.
Skipping a week, again
There will not be an episode of Stilgherrian Live tonight. I’d more or less made the decision earlier anyway, because I’m short of decent sleep thanks to unrelated insomnia. But late this morning I discovered that I’m in the 2% to 10% of people who get flu-like symptoms in reaction to the Yellow Fever vaccination, starting 3 to 9 days after the injection. It has been 8 days.
ActionAid’s Archie Law on Stilgherrian Live
I’ll be talking about Project TOTO with ActionAid Australia CEO Archie Law on tonight’s Stilgherrian Live from 9.30pm Sydney time.