Here’s my Triple J appearance

Triple J logo

If you missed my live radio appearance on Triple J’s Hack yesterday, you can catch it at their website. It’s Tuesday’s edition. Yes, that does mean the streams and MP3 file will disappear next week, but I’m sure we can find some way to, um, liberate it. It’s worth listening to just for the astounding interview with Senator Stephen Conroy.

Senator Conroy and me on Triple J’s Hack

Triple J logo

Yesterday’s edition of Hack on Triple J is worth listening to not just because I’m on it, but because Senator Stephen Conroy finally makes an appearance. Some of this answers are… curious, to say the least. You run a trial and then define what you were looking for? I’ll post more later, including a transcript of the relevant pieces. Meanwhile you can listen to the podcast.

Triple J Hack on NBN

I’ll be on radio Triple J’s current affairs program Hack this evening. They’re covering the National Broadband Network announcement from 5.30pm AEST. I believe I’ll be live in the studio after they’ve done all the set-piece interviews up front. You can access a live stream from the Triple J website.