I just upgraded this website to WordPress 2.7 and something has gone wrong with the tagging. I couldn’t be bothered figuring it out just now, so tags will have to be broken for a little while. You’ll live. [Update: OK, so it fixed itself. Mysteries abound.]
Not quite there yet
I know it’s been a few weeks since the last Stilgherrian Live, but there still won’t be one tonight. The health still ain’t there.
Still cold, and shaking
Last week I speculated that it was a rhinovirus. This week I’m not so sure, ‘cos I’m still sick and feverish and incapable of work. There will be no Stilgherrian Live tonight, sorry. I can barely stay awake, let alone talk.
Still Cold
Our dear friends the rhinovirus continue to make their presence known. So there’s no Stilgherrian Live tonight and no follow-up to today’s Internet censorship forum — though the liveblog material is still there. My promised backgrounder on Thai politics will just have to wait too, sorry.
Sadly there’s been a lack of longer original posts lately, thanks to our dear friends the rhinovirus. This will be rectified very soon.
Kevin Rudd’s pets on Twitter
Twitter accounts have appeared purporting to be the pets of Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd, Abigail the Dog and Jasper the Cat.