Artemis eats

About 7.30pm this evening Dr Emily Payne from Pet Vets left a voicemail with an update about Artemis: “She’s drinking a bit of water for us, and she has eaten a very small amount of food as well, so that’s good. And she’s purring when she gets a pat.”

Weekly Wrap 30

In the week between Christmas and New Year I didn’t write anything for anyone, I didn’t do any podcasts, I didn’t appear in the media anywhere, and I didn’t receive any corporate largesse. I’m just posting this post so the numerical sequence of “Weekly Wrap” posts is consistent.

Making time for writing

Once more, it’s been a long time since I’ve written anything here apart from the Weekly Wraps. I shall have to work out how to fix this. It’s all a matter of finding a balance between writing for money, writing for me, and other commitments.