In the same way that British public servants will stop using the phrase “War on Terror” because it makes terrorists feel part of something bigger, the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales says groups of youths involved anti-social behaviour and petty crime shouldn’t be called gangs.
Maintaining the right tone
My last post, sitting there at the top of the home page for three days or more, really doesn’t give people “the right impression”, does it? Or does it?
Quote of the Day, 17 May 2007
From my friend Richard: “Bukkake: It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.”
Even simpler than Google
Ian Lloyd has put together a quick index to all of Google. Thanks to Jan Whitaker for the pointer.
The Secret: shite
I half-caught The Chaser doing a review of The Secret just now, that book-DVD-magic-answer-to-everything phenomenon. To put it bluntly, if you believe that simplistic slogan-driven trite will suddenly solve all of your problems for you, you’re an idiot. The world is complicated. And you need to make an effort.
How your mouse moves the cursor
“Thanks to the modern wonder of the intertubes, it is now possible to demonstrate how a mouse cursor moves across the screen, in magnified detail,” writes Ivan Trundle. Thank you.