The 9pm Major Irritation (and certain other amusements)

Stilgherrian displays the remaining scars and other traces of his facial injuries from 16 days previously, photographed on 19 December 2024. There are more gruesome photos at the bottom of the page. Also, he needs a haircut. (Photo: Stilgherrian)

The first summer series episode of the Edict features Stilgherrian telling a personal story, plus a few other bits and pieces.

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The 9pm Secrets of Dinosaur Club on Ketamine with Snarky Platypus

A vast strange robotic creature only vaguely like a whale drifts through an aquatic environment. In the foreground, silhouetted against the bright blue scene, is a crowd of onlookers.
China’s aquariums utilise robotic whales to reduce the costs associated with keeping live animals. Photo: SCMP composite / Shutterstock / Weibo. Platypus inset photo by Taronga Conservation Society Australia / Chris Wheeler. Digital composition by Stilgherrian.

No, we’re not really on ketamine. But as the spring series continues we’re going sideways with a bonus episode featuring my good friend Snarky Platypus and many, many topics.

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Weekly Wrap 735: The end of another financial year, with added recreation

Photograph of a colonial-era sandstone wall, being the foundations of the Paragon Hotel at Circular Quay. On the lower right of the image is the rusty remnant of a pipe and spout entering the room. The beauty is in the textures.

My week of Monday 24 to Sunday 30 June 2024 was a strange end to the financial year. I did get a little bit of client work done, but I was also very tired. Then I had a recreational weekend which extended into Monday — an unplanned long weekend! And on top of that I received a surprise gift.

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Weekly Wrap 734: Winter cocktails provide a refreshing but potentially dangerous break

On an old wooden table sits an old-style lowball glass containing a pale yellow liquid, ice cubes, and slice of lemon. In the background, out of focus, the lush dark red furnishings of a high-Victorian drawing room.

My week of Monday 17 to Sunday 23 June 2024 was a curious one. An evening of delightful cocktails midweek may or may not have had something to do with a lingering sore throat. A client project received a bullet in the head, much to my relief. And I started mapping out my podcast’s winter series, for which a crowdfunder is running.

Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 734: Winter cocktails provide a refreshing but potentially dangerous break”

The 9pm Extruded Cheese Snack of Destiny with David F Porteous

David F Porteous in a shot from his final performance at the Acting Out Drama and Public Speaking School. David says: “I did Succession, Marvellous Mrs Maisel, and Frasier. I look mean all the time, by the way.” (Photo: Supplied)

This episode’s special guest is Scottish author and social researcher David F Porteous, who manages to deliver some fascinating commentary on happenings in Britain, while I increasingly suffer the totally unforeseeable effects of wine and gin.

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