Weekly Wrap 726: Evidence of progress in Croydon and hints of progress in my own world

Abandoned Shop, Croydon. On a bright sunny day, a view of a typical early 20th century corner shop with maroon tiles on the lower part of the walls, and terrible peeled white plaster above. The windows are boarded up, and the doors sprayed with graffiti. And yet on one side wall there's still a bright mural of bird of paradise flowers.

My week of Monday 22 to Sunday 28 April 2024 was busy with social things clustered around the Anzac Day holiday, but I still managed to clock up some billable hours. Indeed, I seem to have broken through whatever psychological barrier was limiting my work. That said, this Weekly Wrap is still mostly links to other things. Enjoy them, OK?

Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 726: Evidence of progress in Croydon and hints of progress in my own world”

Weekly Wrap 413: Work-life balance and an abandoned shop

A Shop for ’Pong, Croydon RoadCompared to the previous fortnight, Monday 23 to Sunday 29 April 2018 appears much less productive. No articles were published. No podcasts were recorded. No corporate largesse was taken advantage of.

And yet it was productive. I did a bunch of work on that Crikey project, the one they crowdfunded via a Pozible project called Crikey Digs. Wednesday was Anzac Day, so work was not required, though I did have a long beer-filled meeting with my colleague on that project, Ben Grubb. And I was lazy on Friday and Saturday because I was fighting off a cold. I think.

Anyway, here we go…

Media Appearances

As I mentioned last time, I’ve fallen out of the habit of posting the audio from my radio spots. Would you like me to return to that habit? No one seems to care, I think.

Articles, Podcasts, Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

The next few weeks continue to see me based in Ashfield, Sydney, working through the Crikey project, and writing for ZDNet much as usual. I’m hoping to get some walking in, however, and I might post some stuff about the places I visit, including photos. But not today.

Further Ahead

The next episode of The 9pm Edict, will be recorded and streamed live on Tuesday 8 Thursday 10 May at 2100 AEST.

Other things I’ve pencilled in:

Update 1 May 2018: Added link to audio of Love Sport Radio spot. Update 3 May 2018: Updated with new podcast schedule.

[Photo: A Shop for ’Pong, Croydon Road. I know that ’Pong loves images of urban decay, so here’s one from the inner west suburbs of Sydney, photographed on 29 April 2018.]