Talking the future of jobs on ABC 720 Perth

ABC logo“As many as half a million accountants, supermarket cashiers, secretaries, typists and bank tellers in what are largely white-collar jobs are threatened by automation, Department of Industry modelling shows,” said a report in the Australian Financial Review today.

It’s true. In the first industrial revolution, the physical movement of atoms went from being done by animals, including humans, to being done by machines. In the second industrial revolution, the same thing has been happening for the movement and manipulation of information.

I spoke about some of these things just now with Jamie Burnett on ABC 720 Perth.

If you want some further reading, try The onrushing wave at The Economist.

The audio is of course ©2014 Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Talking iPhone 4S on 1395 FIVEaa Adelaide

I’d originally planned to ignore the iPhone 4S news this week, but early Wednesday morning I got an SMS from Adelaide radio 1395 FIVEaa and… well… here it is. My chat with Keith Conlon, John Kenneally and Jane Doyle.

What’s embarrassing listening back to it today is that I’d completely missed the significance of Siri, the combination of voice recognition and artificial intelligence that creates personal assistant far more sophisticated than mere voice-control of the phone.


My excuse? My entire research time was about seven minutes.

The audio is ©2011 dmgRadio Australia. Even though they did put this on their own website, I don’t know how long that’ll last. Besides, this is a reasonable plug.