The 9pm Half-time Bingo Card Update 2024 with Snarky Platypus

Main image by Rudonni via Pixabay. Foreground bingo card originally by Milton Bradley Company, photo by Abby Hendrickson under under a CC-BY 2.0 Generic license. Platypus inset photo by Taronga Conservation Society Australia / Chris Wheeler. Digital composition by Stilgherrian.

Back at the start of the year, my good friend Snarky Platypus and I created some bingo cards for 2024. Two sets of 25 things that might happen. Well, we’re half-way through the year, so let’s see how we went.

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The 9pm Breakfast Martini and Coprophagic Strategy Chat with John Birmingham

John Birmingham and a bit of Ukraine. (Photo: Supplied; Map: Institute for the Study of War; Digital imaging: Stilgherrian)

The autumn series of The 9pm Edict continues with another visit from author, columnist, and reprobate John Birmingham to chat about strategic things, the election, and breakfast martinis.

Continue reading “The 9pm Breakfast Martini and Coprophagic Strategy Chat with John Birmingham”