It being Thursday and not too chaotic, there shall be an episode of Stilgherrian Live tonight. That means nominations are now open for “Cnut of the Week”.
We’re looking for people, organisations or other entities who are futilely trying to hold back the tide of change. It has to be something in the news in the last week, and you have to explain yourself. Nominees have to be not merely doing bad things, but failing to notice or adapt to the change around them.
Everyone who nominates and leaves a valid email address goes into the draw for a free t-shirt of their choice from our new friends at King Cnut Ethical Clothing.
Nominations for “Cnut of the Week” are open until 8.30pm Sydney time, and you must nominate at the website for it to count. And also, when we draw the t-shirt winner, you must be watching the program and email us the secret word within 5 minutes of your name being announced, otherwise we’ll pick someone else.
Yes, it’s just like your local pub’s Friday night meat raffle. Apart from the meat. And the alcohol. And the pleasant company. And the pub.
(Of course, neither they nor us are as lame and unethical as to share your email address with anyone else. I for one have site policies about this sort of thing, and so do they.)
At 8.30pm you should be watching Nick Hodge‘s program @NickHodge before Stilgherrian Live starts at 9.30pm.
Who do you nominate, and why?