I rarely remember my dreams…

Photo of chinese Lucky Cat with waving arm

… but last night I did. I had to present a TV news program and it was going very, very badly. Interpretations, please!

It was my first day as presenter of an established program called News Tower. The presenters’ desk was stupid. Me and my overly-blonde female co-host had to peer out between mock embattlements as if our News Tower was a medieval castle.

When I got my copy of the script just minutes before show time it was hand-written on scraps of paper, and I could barely read the appalling writing. The pages were all out of order, and the text was over-written with corrections and arrows showing how the sequence had been changed. When I asked whether the Autocue copy was typed OK, I got a blank look as if “Autocue” and “typing” were unknown words. And indeed, the camera lens watching me was naked: no cueing system could be seen.

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Impromptu Stilgherrian Live Alpha

I did an impromptu Stilgherrian Live Alpha from Kelly’s On King, our local “Irish” theme pub, yesterday afternoon. There was a network drop-out, so after a few minutes of episode 5.1A you’ll need to grab the bulk of the program at episode 5.1B. The video starts late: there’s just a black screen at the beginning. But the quality improves noticeably as the program continues. Enjoy!