Weekly Wrap 704: Working gently in the background and encountering the Pigeon of Dignity

A grey and white pigeon is perched on a postbox, looking quizzically into the camera lens.

The highlight of my week of Monday 20 to Sunday 26 November 2023 was really stupid. I ended up in The Mediaâ„¢ again, this time because I’d posted on the socials about Microsoft’s Bing Search telling the world that Australia didn’t exist. So, so stupid.

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The 9pm Extra: Vertical Hold episode 452, “Twitter demands $1, Tinder wants your Mum to approve your dates, Aussie Feds caught using facial recognition (again)”

Will people cough up a dollar a year to post on Twitter? Would you want your mum to see your Tinder dates before you do? Why are the Australian Federal Police still dabbling in facial recognition without authorisation? I was on this week’s Vertical Hold: Behind The Tech News.

Continue reading “The 9pm Extra: Vertical Hold episode 452, “Twitter demands $1, Tinder wants your Mum to approve your dates, Aussie Feds caught using facial recognition (again)””