My week of Monday 17 to Sunday 23 June 2024 was a curious one. An evening of delightful cocktails midweek may or may not have had something to do with a lingering sore throat. A client project received a bullet in the head, much to my relief. And I started mapping out my podcast’s winter series, for which a crowdfunder is running.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 734: Winter cocktails provide a refreshing but potentially dangerous break”Weekly Wrap 732: A remarkably productive start to winter
My week of Monday 3 to Sunday 9 June 2024 saw the production of three podcasts, two of which have already been posted, with the third appearing tomorrow morning. My need to nap most afternoons also declined, which I imagine is a Good Thing.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 732: A remarkably productive start to winter”The 9pm Devilish Deepfakes of Democracy with Zoe Hawkins

The last couple of weeks have been full of online safety news, from eSafety Commissioner v X Corp in the Federal Court to AI to deepfakes. So my guest this time is. Zoe Jay Hawkins, head of policy design at ANU’s Tech Policy Design Centre.
Continue reading “The 9pm Devilish Deepfakes of Democracy with Zoe Hawkins”The 9pm Dream Cheese of Digital Tyranny with Justin Warren

In recent weeks the Australian government has opened multiple fronts in its war against the social media giants. So who better to speak with than Justin Warren, “consultant, freedom of information tragic, hexagon enthusiast, and creator of the CyberRating™ labelling scheme”?
Continue reading “The 9pm Dream Cheese of Digital Tyranny with Justin Warren”Weekly Wrap 729: Pain pounds productivity, but at least the sun started shining
Can I just say that stabbing back pain is far from being one of my favourite things? My week of Monday 12 to Sunday 19 May 2024 was punctuated by pain, so my productivity was way, way down. Next week, though. Next week…
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 729: Pain pounds productivity, but at least the sun started shining”Weekly Wrap 728: Wet weather fails to dampen my enjoyment of social activities
My week of Monday 6 to Sunday 12 May 2024 was both busy and wet, the latter being due to the rain rather than anything I did. See the photo above for evidence of how Sydney’s drainage systems can’t cope. And of course I turned One Million Years old. Kinda.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 728: Wet weather fails to dampen my enjoyment of social activities”