Weekly Wrap 734: Winter cocktails provide a refreshing but potentially dangerous break

On an old wooden table sits an old-style lowball glass containing a pale yellow liquid, ice cubes, and slice of lemon. In the background, out of focus, the lush dark red furnishings of a high-Victorian drawing room.

My week of Monday 17 to Sunday 23 June 2024 was a curious one. An evening of delightful cocktails midweek may or may not have had something to do with a lingering sore throat. A client project received a bullet in the head, much to my relief. And I started mapping out my podcast’s winter series, for which a crowdfunder is running.

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The 9pm Dream Cheese of Digital Tyranny with Justin Warren

Justin Warren
Justin Warren’s face is captured to prove that he’s allowed to access social media in South Australia. (Photo: Kyle Taylor/ABC News)

In recent weeks the Australian government has opened multiple fronts in its war against the social media giants. So who better to speak with than Justin Warren, “consultant, freedom of information tragic, hexagon enthusiast, and creator of the CyberRating™ labelling scheme”?

Continue reading “The 9pm Dream Cheese of Digital Tyranny with Justin Warren”