Are you ready for episode 40?

Cnut of the Week graphic

Another Thursday, another edition of Stilgherrian Live scheduled for 9.30pm Sydney time. So that means — yes! — nominations are open for “Cnut of the Week”.

Who do you think is futilely resisting the tide of change? Nominations are open to people, organisations, nations and even abstract forces of nature — but your nomination has to reflect the news of the last week, and you have to give reasons. As usual, I’ll select the shortlist at 8.30pm Sydney time, and you can vote during tonight’s program.

Also, last week’s episode was the William Alan Shatner Commemorative Edition. Is there anyone or anything worthy of being commemorated this week?

Who do you nominate, and why? Don’t forget the “Why?”!

Kids know better than the censors

Graph of knowledge versus danger, showing the censors assuming knowledge increases danger, whereas kids know knowledge decreases danger.

I haven’t visited Indexed in ages, but this image from last month says it all, eh?

The censors would treat us all like children. They imagine we’re unable to make our own decisions That unless “They” make the decisions for us — secretly and unaccountably — then we will succumb to the danger.

Links for 11 March 2009 through 18 March 2009

Stilgherrian’s links for 11 March 2009 through 18 March 2009, posted after considerable delay in some cases:

Is the Victorian Government running without data backups?

Crikey logo

In Crikey yesterday, I wrote that we’d received information that all is not well at CenITex, the Victorian Government agency which provides IT services to six out of 10 state departments. Our tipster’s more serious allegation is that there hasn’t been a full data backup in more than a year, and that “everyone in CenITex is aware of this”.

“Some time ago, what was the Shared Services Centre realised they were unable to back up all the data they manage for the participating departments in the overnight time window,” they told Crikey.

“For over 12 months they have been taking only incremental backups… There is no disaster recovery in place. Everyone in CenITex is aware of this and are told to ‘shut up’.”

The article isn’t behind the paywall, so read it in full.