Autumn Cleaning

Today’s horoscope from is strangely relevant:

It’s time to do some downsizing when it comes to your personal and professional life. Take control and strip away the non-essentials. How can you start fresh if your mental and physical space is cluttered with the past?

Supposedly an eclipse, like the lunar eclipse we had yesterday, are times of radical change. And I do feel like a “fresh start” this morning. Odd. Maybe it’s just the gentle rain — which I always love.

Lie honestly

A curious thing to find on a Monday morning: a passionate argument which claims that…

By lying to yourself, you are often able to innovate. You trick yourself into believing you are headed into something exotic and wonderful where no one has gone before. You imagine the thrill and seethe in the selfishness of seeing the chest of gold for the first time. You bask in your own glory that you are truly right and everyone else is wrong.

I’ve always tried to be an honest person. Is honesty holding me back from true creativity?