The Internet continues its valuable role as an avoider of copyright “problems”: someone has conveniently put many of the information graphics from An Inconvenient Truth on Flickr for easy reference. I still wonder why they’re not on the official film website in the first place.
Seek must be a rip-off
OK, this isn’t exactly cutting-edge business analysis, but stay with me. Employment website Seek makes a net profit after tax of $23.9M off revenue of $70M. That’s a markup above costs of nearly 52%.
So I figure they could drop their prices by a good 20% and still be making plenty more profit that the average quite-successful business, yeah? Hell, a computer shop only makes 6% to 8% when they sell you a laptop.
No wonder their share price is at a record high.
Feng Shui for your fridge
My friend Richard Watts has already ranted the good rant about this stupidity.
If I ever become an Evil Overlord…
… then here’s the plan: Follow the advice given in The Top 100 Things I’d Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord. Including:
- My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear plexiglass visors, not face-concealing ones.
- I will not interrogate my enemies in the inner sanctum — a small hotel well outside my borders will work just as well.
- If my advisors ask “Why are you risking everything on such a mad scheme?”, I will not proceed until I have a response that satisfies them.
- My vats of hazardous chemicals will be covered when not in use. Also, I will not construct walkways above them.
Sure, the list is a decade old, but I only found out about it just now from author John Birmingham, who continues the discussion.
Spammer’s Ode #1
While clearing out the spammers’ attempts to post comments to this website today, I was struck by the rather attractive rhythm they formed — if “attractive” is the right word. Here, then, is the first poetry I’ve written in more than 20 years, entitled…
Remember the bigger picture
On a beautifully rainy morning, a raindrop becomes part of a metaphor in my horoscope from
Have you ever stood too close to a painting or a photograph? Here you thought you were looking at a drop of rain, but when you back up, you realize it’s the entire ocean. Take that perspective on your life now.
Yes, you. Now.
Um, yes Miss.
Back later.