Oh, in New Scientist again

I actually told New Scientist about this back in April, but they finally ran it in the 18 November edition — which I’m just getting around to reading now.

It seems a curious claim to allow on your website for several months, but if it is true then BoardTracker.com‘s “advanced search” is very advanced indeed. Since April, when reader Stilgherrian first told us about it, it has offered to search back through the last 6142 years of internet forum postings.

“Passive Intruder” launches tonight

Images from Passive Intruder: click for details I’d be remiss if I didn’t plug Pong’s exhibition Passive Intruder which opens at Newtown’s Buzzzbar Cafe (with three Zs!) tonight. Of course, you can sneak in during the day and see the pictures before it’s officially launched — so I’m hoping to see a bunch of red dots by the time I arrive…

I popped in to see the exhibition when it was being hung yesterday, and it was great to see the brightly-coloured images printed full size. They work well in the venue, and I have the gut feeling they’ll do quite well.

Plus I should say that the food at Buzzzbar is excellent — there’s a distinctly North African subtlety to the spices — though the proprietor is Greek, so perhaps that’s just my ignorance showing.

What’s more British than a Spitfire?

Nothing, apparently. When designer Jeremy Fisher was creating a new logo for exclusive tailor English Cut, he wanted an image which defined “The Best of British”.

A BBC story — reminiscent of the Australian values debate — suggested everything from gin and tonic to the National Health Service. But Fisher chose the iconic Spitfire fighter aircraft of WWII.

New English Cut logo

‘British’ used to be a byword for quality, trust, craftsmanship and innovation,” he says.

Thanks to Gaping Void for the pointer.