Launching “Stilgherrian > Melbourne 2016”

The 9pm Edict + Corrupted Nerds: click for Pozible campaignI need your help so I can Go To Melbourne To Make Things. Yes, Melbourne. In October.

I’ve just launched my fifth Pozible crowdfunding campaign to fund a trip with two purposes.

The info is on the Pozible campaign page.

If there’s something you think should be explained better, if there’s Reward you’d like to see added, or if you have a suggestion, let me know.

The 9pm Edict’s Spring Bruise LIVE

Image of Reaper audio production toolThe next recording session for The 9pm Edict podcast will be streamed live this Tuesday 6 September 2016 from 2100 AEST via Spreaker.

You can listen right here. The widget immediately below currently shows all the episodes of the Edict uploaded to Spreaker. A “Live” button will appear when the broadcast starts.

You can also use the Spreaker apps (the listening apps, not the studio/production apps) or listen on The 9pm Edict‘s show page.

Tweet along using the hashtag #9pmlive.

A test transmission will start at 2055 AEST, five minutes before the program proper starts at 2100 AEST. Give or take.

This podcast is listener-supported. If you’d like to contribute, please throw a few dollars into the pot.

[Photo: Image of Reaper audio production tool.]

The 9pm Edict’s Census Night Special LIVE

Photo of Census form, with a microphone in the foregroundTonight’s recording session of The 9pm Edict podcast will be streamed live from 2100 AEST via Spreaker.

You can listen right here. The widget immediately below currently shows all the episodes of the Edict uploaded to Spreaker. A “Live” button will appear when the broadcast starts.

You can also use the Spreaker apps (the listening apps, not the studio/production apps) or listen on The 9pm Edict‘s show page.

Tweet along using the hashtag #9pmlive.

A test transmission will start at 2055 AEST, five minutes before the program proper starts at 2100 AEST. Give or take.

[Photo: Photo of Census form, with a microphone in the foreground.]