Overheard in a pub on King Street, Newtown earlier today: “I’m not afraid of mental institutions any more. It’s a free holiday. Free food, free cigarettes — free DRUGS!”
Are you proud of your culture?
Are you proud of your culture? It depends which culture you mean, I guess. Over the weekend I’ve pondered that while we all celebrated our Australian culture, and somewhere — not that I bothered participating — gay men celebrated “gay culture”. Again.
The photo (above) is from ’Pong’s photo essay on Australia Day. Classy eh?
The rest of the pics show precisely how we celebrate the Birth of Our Great Nation at the very place where the key events of 1788 took place. It’s pathetic. It’s embarrassing.
As I Twittered to ’Pong at the time, “So many people in your Oz Day photos use the flag as clothing. Fat-arsed drunks sitting on it! Nation’s flag: show respect.”
Not only has Finland brought us Nokia, they’re also responsible for Jack and Jez of Zero Patrol, who show us how to… Tiskotansi! Must-see video. As is this one and this one and this one and lots more. Hat-tip to Boing Boing.
Secret Men’s Business 2: Renaissance Thai
Continuing my photographic series on Secret Men’s Business, we visit the men’s toilet in the Suan I-San Thai Restaurant in King Street, Newtown.
I’m reliably informed that it’s incredibly inappropriate to hang a temple gong in the bathroom. I doubt that a renaissance painting makes up for that.
Weekly Poll: Who cares about Australian of the Year?
A country music singer that many (most?) Australians have never heard of is Australian of the Year. Does anyone care?
Chairman Rudd reckons:
Lee Kernaghan’s music resonates with every Australian by connecting us all to the spirit of the bush, but more importantly he gives hope and pride to those on the land when they need inspiration most.
He has rolled up his sleeves to make a real difference for those in need in rural Australia.
Pull the other one, Kevin.
OK, Kernaghan has certainly worked hard to lift morale in the drought-stricken bush. But when 98% of us live in urban areas, and 30-odd percent were born elsewhere, can we really say that nasal, droney bush ballads represent our world?
In fact, does a concept like “Australian of the Year” even matter in 21st Century Australia?
Continue reading “Weekly Poll: Who cares about Australian of the Year?”
Remembering Winston Churchill
“On this day in 1965, Winston Churchill died at the ripe old age of 90. He drank a bottle of champagne at lunch every day, took a proper nap in the afternoon, smoked huge cigars incessantly, ate a hearty dinner with wine every evening and finished off each day with copious quantities of brandy. Truly, an example to us all.” Indeed. Hat-tip to Memex 1.1.