And episode 8 of Stilgherrian Live Alpha, the final in the Alpha series, is now online. This special edition (an hour!) included our short film The Shave.
Episode 8 tonight
Yes, episode 8 of Stilgherrian Live Alpha will be recorded tonight at 9.30pm Sydney time. See you then.
Amnesty International in China
I’ve just recorded an interview with Amnesty International’s Sophie Peer about human rights in China, with an emphasis on Internet censorship. The video is online, though the vision is just me talking on the phone.
Vodafone delay
I’ve been too busy during business hours to phone Vodafone about their surprise bill. That’ll have to happen on Monday now, unless today goes remarkably well. However there’s plenty of discussion in the comments, including links to new iPhone plans from Virgin Mobile, Telstra and the 3 Network.
Episode 7 online
Episode 7 of Stilgherrian Live Alpha has been recorded and is now online. Enjoy.
Broader coverage of the Future of Media Summit 2008
My rant Note to “old media” journalists: adapt, or stfu! was merely my observation of one part of the Future of Media Summit 2008. Organiser Ross Dawson has posted a quick review of the social media coverage, plus links to some of the more interesting blog posts. Reading some of those will give you a more balanced view.