Thank you, Richard, for showing me the oddest Deep Purple rendition I’ve ever seen.
NetAlert faces Senate Estimates Committee today
The Senate Estimates Committee should be interesting today. Questions will be asked about the former government’s NetAlert program: $189M spent for just 144,088 filters installed — and only 29,000 of them still being used. Yes, just like all parliamentary proceedings, there’s a live webcast.
Injured knee: slow day results
I’ll be a little slow for the rest of this week. Last night I accidentally knelt on a glass object, which shattered, slashing my knee. Result: 4 stitches (after some hours waiting in the hospital). A minor injury, really, just a bloody inconvenience.
Corey Delaney’s Other Party
Hugh Atkin, the man behind the excellent Chairman Rudd propaganda videos [1, 2], has retrieved an interview from the future, when Brendan Nelson is replaced as leader of the Liberals. Hat-tip to various people, including Peter Black. (I know, a few weeks old but still very amusing.)
The Psychology of Security
I should also post a link to Bruce Schneier’s magnificent essay The Psychology of Security. A fantastic read. For similar material, check out his keynote speech at LinuxConf Australia last week.
Photo of me taking a photo of used knickers
’Pong has posted his photo of me taking a photo of used knickers in the street the other day. Please keep your comments nice.