If you liked the post about Making up your mind, you might like this diagram of the stimulus-behaviour cycle.
Sidebar everywhere?
Currently the left-hand “sidebar” column only appears on “index” pages, not on the individual article pages. Should it appear everywhere?
“Deliberately Barren” t-shirts
“Deliberately Barren” t-shirts are now available. Thanks for the inspiration, Senator Heffernan!
Tax-deductible pub crawl
Designer Paul Kelly says that before creating the new interiors for the Oxford Hotel on Oxford Street he visited between 400 and 500 bars, including a week-long crawl though 97 venues in Manhattan, “in search of inspiration”. Yeah, Paul, I’ve searched the bars “in search of inspiration” too, but perhaps I can’t make mine tax-deductible.
Current reading: On The Wealth of Nations
I’ve also added a sidebar widget showing what I’m currently reading — in this case P J O’Rourke’s On The Wealth of Nations. I’d been intending to read Adam Smith’s classic economic text The Wealth of Nations at some point — but when I found O’Rourke’s commentry on it for today, I figured that might be a better introduction.
Slight redesign with photo
This website’s page header has changed. The main image is a slice out of the original photo of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, one pixel deep but stretched out vertically. The little photo of me was taken at a recent event by Roger Bishop. There’s a bigger version on the About Stilgherrian page now too.