To go with the previously-released Paul Keating ringtone, Red Symons has now created a John Howard ringtone.
End of the “War on Terror”?
British ministers and civil servants have decided to stop using the phrase “War on Terror.” Apparently it gives terrorists a “shared identity”, according to Hilary Benn, Britain’s Development Secretary, and strengthens disaffected groups by making them feel part of something “bigger.” How long will it take GWB and JWH to follow suit?
Access Card survey
Democrat Senator Natasha Stott-Despoja is conducting a survey on the proposed Access Card.
Fundamentalism’s Pot and Kettle
Why does the US see the rise of fundamentalism in Pakistan as “dangerous”, while the rise of fundamentalism in America is a good thing? Pot. Kettle. Black.
The Ghost of Cho Seung-hui
Watch out. That weird foreign student in trenchcoat and shades. Does he ever talk to anyone? That’s suspicious. What’s he writing? A play about murder and rape? Arrest him. Now! Quick! Check everyone else! Get their psychology profiled! Watch them. Watch them closely!
Cho Seung-hui took a beautiful photo of his bullets and posed with his guns before he blew away 32 fellow humans — roughly a quarter of the number killed in Iraq by suicide bombs yesterday — and was presumably one seriously sick individual. But in that obese, self-centred tangle of hypocrisy that is America the reaction is, as usual, wrong…
Shift Happens
The little info-film Shift Happens has plenty I disagree with — including an assumption that its viewers are Americans. But it’s more food for thought about the massive changes happening in our world. Somehow our politicians never seem to have policies which take these changes into account.