The week of Monday 9 to Sunday 15 March 2020 saw a shift in Australia’s reaction to the COVID-19 coronavirus, with the first warnings to start “social distancing”. My burst of productivity will be hard to keep going. I’ll write more about this virus thing another time.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 511: Ranting as the world begins to fall apart”The 9pm Extra: Well May We Say episode 121, “A Fast-Moving Situation”

This is something special. Ish. A few days ago I was the guest co-host on Well May We Say, an Australian politics podcast from Jeremy Sear-Pirko in Melbourne. We had fun. We had opinions on things. I thought you might like it as a change. The episode is titled “A Fast-Moving Situation”.
Continue reading “The 9pm Extra: Well May We Say episode 121, “A Fast-Moving Situation””The 9pm Totally Convincing Official Truth Theories Live

In this special livestreamed episode, Stilgherrian digs deep into the world of conspiracies, and quite a bit of alcohol. Live. For three hours. You have been warned.
Continue reading “The 9pm Totally Convincing Official Truth Theories Live”