Mike Pezzullo was sacked, digital ID legislation was tabled, another Optus inquiry was launched, and all manner of reports were published. Parliament is tidying up the loose ends as Christmas looms.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 64”The 9pm Hard Solo Pezzullo Schadenfreudefest

The spring series really comes to an end today with this sort of bonus unscheduled and somewhat shouty solo episode. That’s a pun which will become clear shortly.
Continue reading “The 9pm Hard Solo Pezzullo Schadenfreudefest”Digital developments from Canberra 43
The robodebt royal commission provided the big story to finish the week, but there’s also new guidelines for generative AI in government, drone security concerns, and a bunch more.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 43”Digital developments from Canberra 16
This morning Parliament wrapped up for 2022, and a whole bunch of important things happened — including the passing of legislation for the National Anti-Corruption Commission and bigger data breach penalties, and an interesting selection of new bills.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 16”Digital developments from Canberra 15
Parliament sat Monday through Thursday this week, with the Senate also sitting on Friday. The National Anti-Corruption Commission legislation trundles along, we find out just how dodgy Scott Morrison’s ministerial appointments were, and much more.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 15”Digital developments from Canberra 7
This week we finally saw the legislation for the national anti-corruption commission, the robodebt royal commission kicked off, and there was much more — including some public consultations of note.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 7”