The 9pm The Earth is Flat and So’s Your Mum

This man decided to share some of his lunch with an ibis. But there is never just one ibis.
The 9pm Edict cover art version 2, 150 pixels

We explore one of the world’s greatest coincidences. President Donald Trump finally does something sensible. And we bring you the latest in science.

There’s also talk of Bitcoin, bin chickens, nuclear weapons, and UFOs. And Nicholas Fryer takes a look through The Arch Window.

Continue reading “The 9pm The Earth is Flat and So’s Your Mum”

Talking Trump, Twitter, employee revenge on ABC Adelaide

ABC logoFriday’s news that Donald Trump’s Twitter account had been deactivated for 11 minutes swept the world. No wonder it caught the attention of Peter Goers at ABC Adelaide.

Here’s the resulting 14-minute radio spot. It begins with a chat with Rebecca Fraser from the Career Development Association of Australia, and I’m after that.

I shamelessly steal some material from an article at The Clever, 15 Times Fired Employees Got Revenge On Their Company, which I think I forgot to credit. Sorry.

This audio is ©2017 Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

The 9pm End of the World, Definitely

Photo of Ivanka Trump

North Korea launched yet another ballistic missile in the general direction of the ocean. So stick a nuke on it, and we’re fucked. Well, Japan is fucked. Or the oceans is fucked. Whatever.

There’s also stories from my recent travels, cybersecurity, spooks, terrorists, and something from the Dough Anthony All Stars. And of course Nicholas Fryer with a look through The Arch Window.

But overall, the message is that we’re fucked, the man running America is a goose, so we’re really, really fucked. Plus other stuff.

Continue reading “The 9pm End of the World, Definitely”

Weekly Wrap 349: Real work begins, travel looms near

Indian-Pacific, stalledMy week of Monday 30 January to Sunday 5 February 2017 has just ended, with some pleasing results.

It seems that once we moved from January into February, and Australia returned from its traditional extended holiday season, that things started moving. I also managed to get rid of some of the pain that had been plaguing me over summer.


  • “The 9pm End of the World, Probably”, being The 9pm Edict episode 65, was recorded on Saturday night. It’s also available on SoundCloud and Spreaker. Needless to say, most of it is about President Donald Trump.


Media Appearances, Corporate Largesse

None. But wait until you see what happens over the coming few weeks.

The Week Ahead

I’m based up at Wentworth Falls this week, but on Monday I’m doing the long commute to Sydney for an appointment at the US Consulate, a couple of errands, and maybe a meeting or two. I’ll also finish off a column for ZDNet en route.

For the rest of the week, I’m working on that SEKRIT editorial project. I’ll tell you more about that mid-week. I’ll probably also write a thing or two for ZDNet, because the Australian Parliament starts a new session this week, and there’s some legislation being debated that’s relevant to my interests.

Assuming everything goes to plan, on Sunday I’m flying to San Francisco to cover the RSA Information Security Conference (RSAC), which runs 13 to 16 February.

Further Ahead

I see that I’ll be in San Francisco when the anti-Trump general strike has been planned, Friday 17 February. That should be interesting.

I’m covering the APRICOT 2017 / APNIC43 conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from 26 February to 3 March; and the annual conference of the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) in Canberra from 14 to 16 March.

Further details are at

[Photo: Indian-Pacific, stalled. The Indian-Pacific is the longest rail journey in Australia, running between Sydney and Perth via Adelaide. For some reason, on 1 February 2017 is was waiting just outside Sydney Central Station. That must be frustrating at the end of a four-day journey.]