The 9pm Public House Forum 7 LIVE

Your host Stilgherrian, cartoonist Cathy Wilcox, and satirist Mark Humphries at the recording of Pubic House Forum 7 at the Royal Exhibition Hotel on 29 April 2023. (Photo: @oberonsghost)

In the first Pubic House Forum episode of the The 9pm Edict since 2018, I was joined by Sydney Morning Herald cartoonist Cathy Wilcox and satirist Mark Humphries at Sydney’s Royal Exhibition Hotel in Surry Hills with an enthusiastic live audience.

There’s also a video of this episode on YouTube.

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The 9pm End of the World, Definitely

Photo of Ivanka Trump

North Korea launched yet another ballistic missile in the general direction of the ocean. So stick a nuke on it, and we’re fucked. Well, Japan is fucked. Or the oceans is fucked. Whatever.

There’s also stories from my recent travels, cybersecurity, spooks, terrorists, and something from the Dough Anthony All Stars. And of course Nicholas Fryer with a look through The Arch Window.

But overall, the message is that we’re fucked, the man running America is a goose, so we’re really, really fucked. Plus other stuff.

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