The 9pm Dream Cheese of Digital Tyranny with Justin Warren

Justin Warren
Justin Warren’s face is captured to prove that he’s allowed to access social media in South Australia. (Photo: Kyle Taylor/ABC News)

In recent weeks the Australian government has opened multiple fronts in its war against the social media giants. So who better to speak with than Justin Warren, “consultant, freedom of information tragic, hexagon enthusiast, and creator of the CyberRating™ labelling scheme”?

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The 9pm Extra: Vertical Hold episode 403, “Has Elon Musk sunk Twitter? Should Medibank pay its cyber-ransom?”

The header of Elon Musk’s Twitter page as at 4 November 2022. (Screenshot: Stilgherrian) Inset: Vertical Hold podcast profile image. (Supplied)

Elon Musk finally owns Twitter, but is the social media giant circling the drain or about to become something entirely new? Should Medibank pay the ransom to keep customers sensitive medical data safe? I was on this week’s Vertical Hold: Behind The Tech News and this is an updated version.

Continue reading “The 9pm Extra: Vertical Hold episode 403, “Has Elon Musk sunk Twitter? Should Medibank pay its cyber-ransom?””