The supposed leaked memo from McDonald’s that I wrote about on Saturday is itself a fake.
The memo, which like the original fake by serial prankster David Thorne was posted on Reddit, purported to be an email from McDonald’s Australia’s Corporate Communications Manager Bronwyn Stubbs outlining their response.
Someone also attempted to post the text of the memo as a comment to my original post.
However Stubbs emailed me yesterday to say it’s a forgery.
The Purported McDonald’s Memo that you include as part of the article is based on a piece of internal communication that I sent out to my colleagues, however, it has been doctored and changed in various places. Most particularly the final paragraph regarding David Thorne has been completely made up.
That made-up paragraph read:
According to recent news articles and other information we have been provided, the fabricated letter was created by an Adelaide man named David Thorne. At no time should any member of McDonald’s mention the name David Thorne to any media representative. We have spoken to police and are in the process of filing charges against Thorne. We are also speaking with legal regarding a possible law suit. At no time should any member of McDonald’s contact Mr Thorne or engage in any correspondence with him. Should Mr Thorne contact you in any way please let me know immediately or forward any emails.
This certainly kills our speculation as to why someone at McDonald’s would have leaked this memo — they didn’t.
The question now becomes who posted this fake memo, and why? If we’re talking opportunity and motive, well, anyone on the entire Internet has opportunity. Motive? How about a certain prankster seeking attention for his book?
Bugger. I just linked to it myself.
Another question is how businesses can respond to fakery like this, particularly when it’s a brand which people already love to hate.