I’m very happy with my week of Monday 16 to Sunday 22 November 2020. I made another good podcast. I wrote an adequate thing. And so much of it was dominated by birds — though not so much the one in the photo.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 547: All the birds, some of the blockchain”Weekly Wrap 428: Did anything even happen?
My week of Monday 6 to Sunday 12 August 2018 looks strangely empty. I’m not sure why, because it felt quite busy. As this brief Weekly Wrap reveals.
Articles, Podcasts, Media Appearances, Corporate Largesse
None of any of these things appeared, which is odd. And yes, I must get those podcasts sorted.
The Week Ahead
Monday and Tuesday are Sydney days, with a medical appointment, writing for ZDNet, and some geekery for clients, before returning to Wentworth Falls on Tuesday evening.
The rest of the week is a mix of writing for ZDNet, looking at this dire podcast situation, and maybe some more geekery.
Further Ahead
I’ve pencilled in:
- Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, Sydney, 21–21 August.
- CLOUDSEC Australia 2018, Sydney, 28 August.
- D61+ LIVE, Brisbane, 18–19 September. (TBC)
- Australian Cyber Conference, formerly the Australian Information Security Association (AISA) National Conference, Melbourne, 9–11 October.
- International Association of Privacy Professionals ANZ (iappANZ) Annual Summit, Privacy: Handling the Seismic Shift, Melbourne, 1 November. (TBC)
Update 1255 AEST: Edited to reflect schedule change.
[Photo: Sydney Central station, with fauna. Two seagulls and a bin chicken in the usual places, photographed on 10 August 2018.]
The 9pm The Earth is Flat and So’s Your Mum

We explore one of the world’s greatest coincidences. President Donald Trump finally does something sensible. And we bring you the latest in science.
There’s also talk of Bitcoin, bin chickens, nuclear weapons, and UFOs. And Nicholas Fryer takes a look through The Arch Window.
Continue reading “The 9pm The Earth is Flat and So’s Your Mum”Weekly Wrap 332: A post-ibis period of calm
My week of Monday 3 to Sunday 9 October 2016 was relatively quiet, in part because it was a short week after the long weekend, in part because of snuffling.
Indeed, there was a considerable amount of snuffling as strong winds blew dust and pollen into a frenzy of hay fever.
Articles, Podcasts, Media Appearances, Corporate Largesse
None. It’s the calm before the storm.
The Week Ahead
On Monday, I’ll tidy up certain geek-for-hire work, finalise the logistics for my forthcoming Melbourne trip, post a progress report on that and the Pozible campaign, and go for a long walk as advised by my doctor.
On Tuesday, I’ll record and stream that episode of The 9pm Edict podcast that didn’t get produced last week. The livestream is scheduled for 2100 AEDT from the new permanent location stilgherrian.com/edict/live.
On Wednesday morning, I’m going to a media briefing by Nuix, followed by shopping and other errands.
Thursday sees some writing for ZDNet, as well as another medical appointment.
Friday will be another mix of geek-for-hire work, writing, and administrivia.
I have cancelled plans to record The 9pm Edict Public House Forum this Saturday 15 October. I’ll be concentrating on the coming weeks instead.
Further Ahead
The following weeks will be crazy busy. Rather than manually updating this list, however, I’ve created a new calendar page, Stilgherrian in Public.
That said, I’ll be in Melbourne from 21 to 30 October.
[Photo: Attack of the Killer Ibis, photographed on 30 September 2016. This man decided to share some of his lunch with an ibis. But there is never just one ibis.]