In this episode, we continue to explore the wonders of Australian democracy as we approach the final week of the federal election campaign, and more.
Continue reading “The 9pm Arch Window of the Unlawful Use of an Egg”Word-whore. I write 'em. I talk 'em. Information, politics, media, and the cybers. I drink. I use bad words. All publication is a political act. All communication is propaganda. All art is pornography. All business is personal. All hail Eris! Vive les poissons rouges sauvages!
In this episode, we continue to explore the wonders of Australian democracy as we approach the final week of the federal election campaign, and more.
Continue reading “The 9pm Arch Window of the Unlawful Use of an Egg”Donald Trump demonstrates some modern thinking. Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd submits to a Voight-Kampff test. And Senator Jacqui Lambie lays down the law on renewable energy.
In this podcast, there’s talk of windfarms, wind turbine syndrome, and a lack of science. Also, Tony Abbott, terrorism, George Brandis, poetry, and a little bit about fascism.
Continue reading “The 9pm Planet of Fascist Delusions”Australia’s treasurer Joe Hockey exudes love and understanding. We take the train to Cronulla to find out exactly what makes this southern Sydney suburb so great. And there are shellfish, damn fine shellfish.
Continue reading “The 9pm Shire”Stilgherrian’s links for 30 September 2009 through 13 October 2009, gathered automatically but then left to languish for two weeks before publication.
There’s so many of these links this time that I’ll publish them over the fold. I think I need to get over my fear of the link being published automatically without my checking them first, and my concern that my website won’t look nice if the first post is just a list of links.
Maybe I should just stick these Delicious-generated links in a sidebar? Or do you like having them in the main stream and RSS feed?
Continue reading “Links for 30 September 2009 through 13 October 2009”
Hypocritical drug laws, as demonstrated by a UK parliamentary committee. This drug danger league table courtesy of New Scientist magazine shows the relative danger of various drugs, legal and illegal, based on scientific evidence covering dependency and physical and social harm based on a survey of people’s opinions of their relative harm.