My week of Monday 17 to Sunday 23 January 2022 continued to see me ramp up into work mode, what with a podcast, an article, and a whole bunch of other things that I won’t be telling you about. But the pandemic continues, and fun is still recommended against.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 608: As much fun as possible, which isn’t much”The 9pm His Plague Diary 2

In a second and much briefer diary-style podcast, I talk about fear, and about how to avoid being overwhelmed by the news as the COVID-19 pandemic rolls into Australia.
Continue reading “The 9pm His Plague Diary 2”The 9pm Extra: Well May We Say episode 121, “A Fast-Moving Situation”

This is something special. Ish. A few days ago I was the guest co-host on Well May We Say, an Australian politics podcast from Jeremy Sear-Pirko in Melbourne. We had fun. We had opinions on things. I thought you might like it as a change. The episode is titled “A Fast-Moving Situation”.
Continue reading “The 9pm Extra: Well May We Say episode 121, “A Fast-Moving Situation””