Six Pigeons for Jeffrey

Six Pigeons for Jeffrey: click to embiggenI was saddened to hear that Australian artist Jeffrey Smart died two days ago, on 20 June 2013, aged 91. I liked his work. This image is my tribute.

The original photograph was taken in San Francisco, at the corner of Broadway and Mason Street, on 12 May 2013.

I’m thinking of making a few prints of this image for sale. What do you think? And if it’s a good idea, how does one go about such things these days?

5 species of birds: delight!

Another reason to love this village: just walking to the post office, I encounter five different species of birds!

Rainbow lorikeets (noisy and obvious, but still pretty), Australian magpies (confident and my favourite), Australian ravens (with their languid calls), noisy miners (yes, they’re noisy!) and pigeons.

OK, the skyrat pigeons can go. But the rest are just wonderful — even the aggressive miners. And add to that the family of pied currawongs that live nearby and several other species and you have a wonderful community in which to live.