Talking The Code and smart cars on ABC 774 Melbourne

Screenshot from The Code series 2ABC logoI haven’t made a big deal of being technology consultant for the new series of the ABC TV drama The Code — at least not here — but we decided to talk about that on ABC 774 Melbourne on Thursday night.

The conversation with Casey Bennetto also included some of the recent news about self-driving and smart cars — and, for some reason, the Twitter account Florida Man. Amongst other things.

This audio is ©2016 Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

[Photo: Jan Roth (Anthony LaPaglia) and Jesse Banks (Ashley Zukerman) in The Code series 2. Photo courtesy ABC TV.]

The 9pm Edict’s Spring Bruise LIVE

Image of Reaper audio production toolThe next recording session for The 9pm Edict podcast will be streamed live this Tuesday 6 September 2016 from 2100 AEST via Spreaker.

You can listen right here. The widget immediately below currently shows all the episodes of the Edict uploaded to Spreaker. A “Live” button will appear when the broadcast starts.

You can also use the Spreaker apps (the listening apps, not the studio/production apps) or listen on The 9pm Edict‘s show page.

Tweet along using the hashtag #9pmlive.

A test transmission will start at 2055 AEST, five minutes before the program proper starts at 2100 AEST. Give or take.

This podcast is listener-supported. If you’d like to contribute, please throw a few dollars into the pot.

[Photo: Image of Reaper audio production tool.]

Talking Facebook’s Project Aquila on ABC Radio National

Facebook's Project Aquila

ABC logoOn Wednesday I spoke with ABC Radio National about Facebook’s Project Aquila. I’ll let their introduction explain it.

Facebook’s ‘Aquila’ drone has the wingspan of a 737 airliner. But it’s powered by the equivalent of three blow-dryers, and it will stay aloft for months at a time.

It’s a technological feat, built with the idea of extending internet connectivity to more of the developing world.

But the net commentator Stilgherrian explains that Facebook’s offering comes with certain limits.

Here’s the full conversation with presenter Michael Mackenzie, which also included a few words about Google’s Project Loon and net neutrality.

This audio is ©2016 Australian Broadcasting Corporation and is being served directly from the ABC website.

[Photo: Facebook’s ‘Aquila’ aerial internet platform has the same wingspan as a Boeing 737 airliner. (supplied)]

The 9pm Edict’s Census Night Special LIVE

Photo of Census form, with a microphone in the foregroundTonight’s recording session of The 9pm Edict podcast will be streamed live from 2100 AEST via Spreaker.

You can listen right here. The widget immediately below currently shows all the episodes of the Edict uploaded to Spreaker. A “Live” button will appear when the broadcast starts.

You can also use the Spreaker apps (the listening apps, not the studio/production apps) or listen on The 9pm Edict‘s show page.

Tweet along using the hashtag #9pmlive.

A test transmission will start at 2055 AEST, five minutes before the program proper starts at 2100 AEST. Give or take.

[Photo: Photo of Census form, with a microphone in the foreground.]

Talking the 2016 Census and privacy on ABC 666 Canberra

ABC logoThe second of my two radio spots about the 2016 Census was with Adam Shirley on ABC 666 Canberra. I think it’s the better of the two, probably because it was my second go at some intelligent-sounding sound bites.

For the background on this Census issue, see the previous post.

This audio is ©2016 Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Talking the 2016 Census and privacy on ABC Gold Coast

ABC logoAustralia’s 2016 Census is turning out to be the most controversial in history, mostly because the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has decided to keep people’s names and addresses associated with their raw Census data for four years, and perhaps longer.

This has of course triggered privacy concerns.

Personally, I think the ABS has only itself to blame, because they didn’t include us citizens in the journey this decision, and they’ve been hopeless at explaining themselves.

I wrote about this for ZDNet on Monday, Census privacy risks are not what they seem, and that triggered a couple of radio spots.

This conversation with Nicole Dyer on ABC Gold Coast was the first. It begins with some comments from the ABS Census Director, Caroline Deans.

This audio is ©2016 Australian Broadcasting Corporation.