OK, so the emo thing wasn’t the best headline of the week. This is: Man sentenced over wombat rape claim. “A New Zealand man has been sentenced to community service after telling police he had been raped by a wombat and the experience had caused him to start speaking ‘Australian’…” Hat-tip to The Road to Surfdom.
… as if you were being filmed
This note, scribbled on a piece of tissue paper, was found lying in the gutter outside a house where someone had obviously just moved out.
The text reads: “I wish you a fan-fucking-tastic life! Fuck hard as if you were being filmed! Your friend, Marek.”
Now this little piece of Found Art has been sitting in my files for at least a couple of years, so I wonder whether Marek’s friend has indeed had a fan-fucking-tastic life?
I also wonder why being filmed would make you more likely to “fuck hard” — and I’m assuming here that fucking “hard” is considered to be an improvement over any other kind of fucking. Personally, I suspect I’d find the presence of the camera to interfere with my confident enjoyment of the process and lead to performance anxiety — but maybe that’s just me.
And now, the fear sets in: what sorts of comments am I going to get on this post?
It’s been a while since I posted the first Found Art object. I’ll try to choose one from the files more regularly.
Quotes of the Day, 11 March 2008
Eavesdropping highlights from the last 24 hours:
- “Somehow I suspect book lovers feel the same way about Harry Potter as music lovers feel about Jeff Buckley.” (Alastair Rankine)
- Overheard while walking past a house where young boys were playing noisily: “I’m the birthday boy so I have to be team leader.”
- “Someone in my office just said ‘cyberspace’. I hope I’m not paying them.” (abacab)
- In response to my comment, “Stilgherrian is thinking about things that geeks think about”, someone who should probably remain nameless said: “Most geeks I know think about banging Natalie Portman in a blow-up-pool filled with custard…”
- “Stilgherrian, one day in the future, your life will confuse historians.” (Nick Hodge)
Pornography-jaded public demand new orifice
Bored by pornography? You’re not the only one, according to The Onion.
Jaded by the sight of what it deemed “run-of-the-mill” orifices, the nation’s pornography-saturated populace released a statement Monday demanding a new bodily opening to leer at. “At this point, staring at an anus, vagina, or beckoning mouth has become so commonplace that it is no more titillating than ogling, say, the human elbow.”
Read the whole article to discover what the populace demands in its new orifice, so to speak. Hat-tip to Boing Boing.
Gaydar exists!
The mythical “gaydar” exists! Research shows we can pick someone’s sexual orientation nearly 70% of the time after seeing their photo for just 100 milliseconds. Hat-tip to 3 quarks daily.
It’s an organic… what?
Maybe it’s just because I’m an Australian of A Certain Age, but I find this sign in an African grocery shop on Enmore Road rather funny. The fact that it’s “organic” is even better.