Links for 23 August 2008

Here are the web links I’ve found for 23 August 2008, posted automatically with mirth and cabbage.

Finally, “The Shave”

Yes, it’s finally complete! Our short film, The Shave. Enjoy. It runs for 3 minutes 35 seconds.

If the embedded video doesn’t work for you, try here.

We decided on the desaturated look rather than going all the way to black and white — though you can see that version in Stilgherrian Live Alpha episode 8.

For those interested in the technicals, it was shot using the built-in iSight camera on my MacBook Pro. We sat the computer on books piled on a milk crate sitting on the kitchen table, and used desk lamps for lighting. We recorded it using Apple’s Photo Booth software. ’Pong edited it using iMovie. Whaddyareckon?

Coming soon: “The Shave”

The Shave: a production still from our new short film

“Certain people” have been complaining about my facial hair. I must admit, I hate the feeling of my face after two weeks without shaving. So, there’s only one thing to do. We’re making a movie.

This afternoon the normally simple act of shaving turned into a 4-hour video shoot. With two cameras. ’Pong is currently assembling the rough edit and, even I say so myself, I think it’s going to come together rather well.

We won’t rush it. We both have plenty to do this week. But rest assured, the 3.5-minute epic The Shave will be ready when it’s ready.

[Update: Indeed, you can now view the movie The Shave. Enjoy.]

Wooden Anniversary

4 photographs of Trinn Suwannapha. In 3 of them he is drinking. In one he looks exhausted.

Today ’Pong and I celebrate 7 years together. As these photographs show, he’s found his own way of coping.

I haven’t been writing here for all that time, but the posts tagged Trinn Suwannapha will give you an interesting if unrepresentative overview.

And now, since I was inside all day yesterday staying warm fighting a cold, where the hell can I find a suitable wooden gift before he wakes up? I guess there’s always that broken chair leg in the cellar…

Pom rak kun maak krub, Khun ’Pong! ขอโทษน่ะครับ! ขอให้โชคดครับี ห้องน้ำอยู่ที่ไหนน่ะครับ?


Photographs of kangaroo red curry stir-fry being prepared in a wok and served on a plate

Or, as we say in English, “Kangaroo red curry stir-fry is very yummy!” And it is. Kangaroo goes so well with curry you’d almost think they were Thai beasts to begin with.

The Marrickville Organic Food Market provided both the kangaroo rump and most of the vegetables this morning — snow peas, capsicum, Swiss brown mushrooms and green pepper.

The Chinese greengrocer told us that kangaroo meat smells too strongly. She feeds it to her dogs. She has no idea what she’s missing. Still, her fresh vegetables are one of the bonuses of the Markets, as are the fresh steamed dumplings from Chinese Dim Sum King. The King will do your catering, too: or 0411 456 750.

Now I’m wondering whether I should get ’Pong to write up the recipe. Maybe it should stay our secret.