Weekly Wrap 694: Abandoned walk, abandoned house, and a heatwave which is not abandoning us

My week of Monday 11 to Sunday 17 September 2023 wasn’t hugely productive, but it felt like it marked a gentle phase shift in my world. I got some exercise done, and I kicked off a new client project.

As I mentioned last week, I had planned to walk the 13 km from Merrylands to Bankstown on Wednesday. Unfortunately I started to show signs of being a little overheated or dehydrated or something, so I cut it short and caught a train from Chester Hill.

If the map doesn’t show up, try here.

As you can see, that’s still a decent stroll, and I’m determined to do more in the future. Indeed, I’ve order a second-hand Fitbit so I can track my movements more effectively. Don’t worry, though, I won’t get obsessive about it and post every little thing. I’m too old for that bullshit.


  • Digital developments from Canberra 53. Spies, more spies, cybering, and more cybering! We also have proposed new ID and drug laws, a report on sexual consent laws, and an apology for robodebt — to Services Australia staff.

You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.

Podcasts, Videos, Photos, Media Appearances, Corporate Largesse

None of these. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear.


There’s a lot of Elon Musk news flowing from the release of the new biography by Walter Isaacson. You can find that for yourself. But here’s a few other bits and pieces.

In other news:

The Week Ahead

On Wednesday I’m heading to Sydney again for some health-related appointments, lunch, a social thing, and some shopping — but no long walk this week because it’s looking like it will be a ridiculous 14°C above average.

Other than that it’s a series of standard days trying to get some work done rather than falling asleep. Maybe I’ll write more about that in the near future.

Further Ahead

  • Housesitting in Sydney, 7–31 October 2023. If you’re wanting to catch up with me, this would be a good time in which to extend invitations. Except for…
  • NEW DETAILS: The 9pm Hobart Expedition, 22–25 October 2023. Snarky Platypus and I have locked in a voyage south. I may well be recording a podcast there. We’re definitely going to MONA on the Monday, though, and there will now be an anyone-can-come evening at a bar on Tuesday 24 October, venue TBA.

[Photo: An abandoned house in Merrylands, Sydney, photographed on 13 September 2023.]