Weekly Wrap 747: Sometimes I just feel like parroting previous posts

One highlight of my week of Monday 16 to Sunday 22 September 2024 was visiting Sydney’s new Metro stations — which I won’t tell you about just yet. A second was coming to understand how a change of environment will do me good. And then I had another win in the crowdfunding game. Hurrah!

Yes, I’m posting this on Monday again, but visiting all those Metro stations took a long time. Or rather, the drinks we had near each station took a while.

Thanks for supporting The 9pm Spring Series 2024

Photo of a late middle-aged man (Stilgherrian) with short greying hair, glasses, and a grey sweater, standing against a background of giant yellow wattle flowers. The main text reads "Thanks everyone! The 9pm Spring Series 2024".

This season’s crowdfunder The 9pm Spring Series 2024 finished on Thursday night, and in the final hours it passed Target Two — which means six special-guest episodes before the end of spring.

Thanks so much.

I’ve already confirmed guests for three episodes. I just have to lock in the exact dates, so watch out for more details next week.


  • The 9pm Three More Minor Irritations, recorded and posted on Tuesday. It was scheduled so that it could include a plug for the crowdfunder, but it does have actual content so it’s still worth listening to.

The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners. You can always throw a few coins into the tip jar or subscribe for special benefits. Please consider.


  • The Weekly Cybers #36. Australian cops and their global colleagues take down the Ghost encrypted messaging network, a robodebt ringleader has a great big sook, and much more.

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You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.

Media Appearances

Photos, Videos, Corporate Largess

None of these. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear and when livestreams are scheduled.


Elon didn’t have a good week.

In other news:

The Week Ahead

Once more my week began in Sydney. On Monday I did the now-usual errands and shopping in Thaitown before getting a train back to the Mountains.

The bulk of the week will include a focus on client work, allegedly, plus starting to line up some work over summer because that’s always a slow season for freelancers. I’ll also do a solo podcast episode at some point, and then The Weekly Cybers on Friday as usual.

The weekend is unplanned.

Update 25 September 2024: I’m shifting things around a bit. Wednesday will be for errands and shopping and stuff. Work times will be added into the weekend so I can take a day off in the middle of next week. The advantages of freelancing!

Further Ahead

  • NEW: Is Asia multipolar?, Lowy Institute, Sydney and livestreamed, 3 October 2024.
  • NEW: Will China gain uncontested primacy in Asia?, Lowy Institute, Sydney and livestreamed, 10 October 2024.
  • Queensland expedition, 13–21 October 2024, which is shaping up rather well. Sunday 13: Fly to Cairns and visit the Australian Armour & Artillery Museum. Monday 14: A Great Barrier Reef tour. Tuesday 15: Kuranda Scenic Railway wildlife experience. Wednesday 16 and overnight: Spirit of Queensland train to Brisbane. Brisbane itinerary TBA. Sunday 20: Train to Gold Coast and explore there a bit. Monday 21: Relaxing morning then fly back to Sydney. More details to come.
  • Sydney Days, 26 October to 18 November 2024 (TBC). The dates have yet to be finalised, but I have another opportunity to base myself in Sydney for a while.
  • Australian Internet Governance Forum (auIGF) 2024, formerly known as NetThing, Melbourne and online, 28–29 October 2024 (TBC).
  • UPDATED: Victoria expedition, 6–9 December 2024. Includes a friend’s birthday event on the Mornington Peninsula Fri 6 to Sunday 8, heading to Melbourne for social things on Sunday night before flying back to Sydney on Monday evening. This trip will almost burn off the last of my frequent flyer points from the Beforetimes.

[Photo: A male Australian king parrot (Alisterus scapularis) decided he wanted a bit of attention, so here he is. Photographed on 23 September 2024.]