Weekly Wrap 735: The end of another financial year, with added recreation

My week of Monday 24 to Sunday 30 June 2024 was a strange end to the financial year. I did get a little bit of client work done, but I was also very tired. Then I had a recreational weekend which extended into Monday — an unplanned long weekend! And on top of that I received a surprise gift.

As you may have noticed this is being posted nearly two days late. Yes, Monday was spent being lazy in Sydney, and I arrived back in the Mountains fairly late. But I’m sure you’ll cope.

MERE DAYS LEFT! Please support The 9pm Winter Series 2024 crowdfunder

FINAL DAYS: The 9pm Winter Series 2024: Click to pledge your support

There’s not much time left to support this season’s crowdfunding campaign, The 9pm Winter Series 2024.

As usual it’s about organising more special-guest episodes of my inappropriate and often disturbing podcast for grown-ups The 9pm Edict and other projects.

I’ve already pencilled in four guests. Don’t make me cancel them.

Please click though, read, and consider. You have until 9pm AEST this Thursday 4 July. At the time of posting on Tuesday morning we’re 86% of the way to Target One with a little less than two and a half days to go.


  • The Weekly Cybers #24. Another week when social media age restrictions dominate the discourse, governments agree to digital license technical standards, and there’s a new framework for government AI use — plus a lot more.

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You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.

Podcasts, Media Appearances, Photos, Videos, Corporate Largesse

None of these. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear and when livestreams are scheduled. And the winter season of The 9pm Edict podcast will be kicking off this week. See below.


I’ve decided that I’ll continue my regular look at Musky news because I find it fascinating and it really doesn’t take much time.

In other news:

The Week Ahead

The week started in Sydney, and I returned to the Blue Mountains late on Monday night. It’s going to be busy for the rest of the week.

[Update a couple hours later: This was way too optimistic and I’ve rearranged things.]

On Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday I’ll edit the podcast I recorded with Snarky Platypus on the weekend, and that’s likely to be posted on Wednesday Friday.

On Wednesday morning I’m recording an episode with Dr Miranda Bruce, who worked on the World Cybercrime Index. If you’re a supporter with TRIGGER WORDS or a CONVERSATION TOPIC for this episode, please let me know by midday AEST this Tuesday 2 July — or as soon as you can. I’ll post this episode early next week.

The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners. Have a look at the crowdfunder detailed above. If you miss the 4 July deadline, you can always throw a few coins into the tip jar or subscribe for special benefits. Please consider.

On Wednesday afternoon I’m heading down to Sydney for the Launch of Meanjin 83.2 Winter 2024 at Gleebooks. I’ll be staying overnight for some health-related things and some errands on Thursday.

Then on Thursday evening, once I’m back in the Mountains again, we’re wrapping up The 9pm Winter Series 2024 crowdfunder. As you know, the deadline is 9pm AEST.

And of course between all that I’ll be trying to jam in some client work.

Further Ahead

[Photo: The cellar wall and, I presume, sandstone foundations of the Hotel Paragon at Circular Quay, Sydney, photographed on 30 June 2024. It’s all about the textures. Anyway I thought I’d better post something that wasn’t another drink.]