Weekly Wrap 740: The end of the week ended the fish, and it was fantastic

My week of Monday 29 July to Sunday 4 August 2024 began in the cold with the need to sleep continuing, and ended with an excellent fish — which is part of why this is only being posted on Monday. That and the wine. There was also a fun podcast about cybercrime.


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  • The Weekly Cybers #29. A cabinet reshuffle gives Tony Burke the cybers, the government ramps up its cyber rhetoric in the fight against scams and ransomware while its own report card looks poor, talk of a new Cyber Security Act, and much more.

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You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.

Photos, Videos, Media Appearances, Corporate Largesse

None of these. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear and when livestreams are scheduled.


The potential for Elon Musk to affect the US election dominated his news this week.

In other news:

The Week Ahead

The week begins in Sydney, but not for long. Monday sees the usual appointments and errands and shopping before catching the train back to the Mountains in the afternoon. And then it’s a focus on client work for a couple of days.

[Update 6 August 2024: I’ve rearranged things a little bit, but not that you’ll really notice.]

On Thursday afternoon I’m doing the Big Tech spot on ABC Radio’s RN Drive. That’s at 4.50pm AEST or whatever your local time is around Australia, because magic, and also recorded for later.

NEW: On Wednesday Thursday evening I’m recording a podcast with astrophysicist and founder of SpaceAustralia.com Rami Mandow. So yeah, it’s another look at space topics. If you’re a supporter with TRIGGER WORDS or a CONVERSATION TOPIC for this episode, please let me know by 8pm AEST this Tuesday 6 Wednesday 7 August. This episode will be posted late the following week.

Some time in the second half of the week I’ll edit and post the episode with Barbara Minchinton, author of the new book Madame Brussels: The Life and Times of Melbourne’s Most Notorious Woman.

On Saturday morning I’m heading to the Hunter Valley for TechLeaders 2024, which runs through until Monday.

Further Ahead

  • The Sydney Dialogue, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Sydney and online, 2–3 September 2024 (TBC).
  • Queensland expedition, flying to Cairns on 13 October 2024, taking the Spirit of Queensland train down to Brisbane on 16 October and overnight, then visiting the Gold Coast on 20 October before flying back to Sydney on 21 October. I’m still fleshing out the details but there’s bound to be opportunities to catch up for drinks and such.
  • Australian Internet Governance Forum (auIGF) 2024, formerly known as NetThing, Melbourne and online, 28–29 October 2024 (TBC).

[Photo: Remains of the Tilapia, being part of an excellent Sunday dinner at Dodee Paidang Haymarket on 4 August 2024. Recommended.]