Weekly Wrap 745: A break in podcast work, but whatalottawattle! (Not sorry.)

My week of Monday 2 August to 8 September 2024 was not a productive one. Indeed, I did quite a bit of sleeping — but I feel the better for it.

Please consider The 9pm Spring Series 2024 crowdfunder

Photo of a late middle-aged man (Stilgherrian) with short hair, glasses, and a grey sweater, standing against a background of giant yellow wattle flowers. The main text reads "The 9pm Spring Series 2024".

Yes, it’s another seasonal crowdfunder for special-guest episodes of my inappropriate and often disturbing podcast for grown-ups The 9pm Edict.

It’s The 9pm Spring Series 2024 campaign, so you know what to do.

Please click though, read, and consider pledging your support. You have until Thursday 19. At the time of posting we’re 25% of the way to Target One.


  • The Weekly Cybers #34. Government proposes “mandatory guardrails” for high-risk AI, ASIO hints at using the big stick on encrypted chats, and much more.

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You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.

Media Appearances

Podcasts, Photos, Videos, Corporate Largess

None of these. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear and when livestreams are scheduled.


Elon Musk’s battle with Brazil continues, and the political campaigning gets ever more weird.

In other news:

The Week Ahead

I’m spending the whole week in Sydney, and I’m hoping the change of environment will encourage me to knock off some client work. I’ll also start pencilling in guests for the podcast’s spring series, assuming your generosity progresses as planned.

The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners — such as via the crowdfunder just plugged. If you miss that deadline, you can always throw a few coins into the tip jar or subscribe for special benefits. Please consider.

On Thursday afternoon I’m doing ABC Radio RN Drive “Big Tech” spot at 4.50pm AEST. You can hear it at that time in the eastern states, at 4.50pm your local time on ABC Radio National, via the ABC Listen app in your time zone, or later that evening when the recording is posted.

On Saturday there’s the NSW Local Government Elections. This is mostly a reminder to myself but there may be some sort of celebration — although I do have drinks with certain friends on Sunday afternoon. [Update 12 September 2024: I need to catch up on work rather than going drinking.]

Further Ahead

  • NEW: Sydney Metro Chatswood-Central-Sydenham Pub Crawl, 22 September 2024. Originally scheduled for the Metro extension’s planned opening date of 4 August, but when that was postponed we had to change our own plans.
  • Queensland expedition, flying to Cairns on 13 October 2024, taking the Spirit of Queensland train down to Brisbane on 16 October and overnight, then visiting the Gold Coast on 20 October before flying back to Sydney on 21 October. I’m still fleshing out the details but there’s bound to be opportunities to catch up for drinks and such.
  • Sydney Days, 26 October to 18 November 2024 (TBC). The dates have yet to be finalised, but I have another opportunity to base myself in Sydney for a while.
  • Australian Internet Governance Forum (auIGF) 2024, formerly known as NetThing, Melbourne and online, 28–29 October 2024 (TBC).
  • An expedition to Victoria which includes a friend’s birthday celebrations, 6–9 December 2024. This trip will almost burn off the last of my frequent flyer points from the Beforetimes.

[Photo: The wattle explosion continues. I think this one is the hedgehog wattle (Acacia echinula), but quite frankly there are too many species of acacia. Photographed on 5 September 2024.]