Weekly Wrap 746: A change is as good as a holiday, but different

My week of Monday 9 August to 15 September 2024 was spent in Sydney, and I’m the better for it. There’s increasing evidence that moving back to a city — which is my medium-term plan — will do me good. I ended up being reasonably productive, though not on things I can show you just yet.

FINAL DAYS: Please consider The 9pm Spring Series 2024 crowdfunder

Photo of a late middle-aged man (Stilgherrian) with short hair, glasses, and a grey sweater, standing against a background of giant yellow wattle flowers. The main text reads "FINAL DAYS: The 9pm Spring Series 2024".

If you want more special-guest episodes of my inappropriate and often disturbing podcast for grown-ups The 9pm Edict, then this crowdfunder is for you.

It’s The 9pm Spring Series 2024 campaign, and it’s in its final days.

Please click though, read, and consider pledging your support.

You have until 9pm AEST this Thursday 19 September.

At the time of posting we’re 57% of the way to Target One with just four and a bit days to go,, so it’d be great to kick that along a bit.


  • The Weekly Cybers #35. What a week! A burst of legislation from privacy to misinformation to hate speech, an anti-scam “plan”, Meta gets caught out, and much more.

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You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.

Media Appearances

Podcasts, Photos, Videos, Corporate Largess

None of these. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear and when livestreams are scheduled.


Elon. What more needs to be said?

In other news:

The Week Ahead

The week begins in Sydney, where I’ve been staying for the last week, but I return to the Blue Mountains on Wednesday afternoon.

So, we’re looking at Monday and Tuesday being about client work, kinda, but also a small podcast to help plug the crowdfunder; Wednesday being about errands and returning to the Mountains; Thursday night being about wrapping up the crowdfunder; and Friday being about The Weekly Cybers and whatever else needs doing.

Update 18 September 2024: Friday will also include a trip down to Sydney for back maintenance and a haircut, among other things.

The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners — such as via the crowdfunder just plugged. If you miss that deadline, you can always throw a few coins into the tip jar or subscribe for special benefits. Please consider.

On Sunday it’s our Sydney Metro Chatswood-Central-Sydenham Pub Crawl. This was originally scheduled for its planned opening date of 4 August, but when that was postponed we had to change our own plans.

Further Ahead

  • UPDATED: Queensland expedition, 13–21 October 2024, which is shaping up rather well. Sunday 13: Fly to Cairns and visit the Australian Armour & Artillery Museum. Monday 14: A Great Barrier Reef tour. Tuesday 15: Kuranda Scenic Railway wildlife experience. Wednesday 16 and overnight: Spirit of Queensland train to Brisbane. Brisbane itinerary TBA. Sunday 20: Train to Gold Coast and explore there a bit. Monday 21: Relaxing morning then fly back to Sydney. More details to come.
  • Sydney Days, 26 October to 18 November 2024 (TBC). The dates have yet to be finalised, but I have another opportunity to base myself in Sydney for a while.
  • Australian Internet Governance Forum (auIGF) 2024, formerly known as NetThing, Melbourne and online, 28–29 October 2024 (TBC).
  • An expedition to Victoria which includes a friend’s birthday celebrations, 6–9 December 2024. This trip will almost burn off the last of my frequent flyer points from the Beforetimes.

[Photo: Descending into the new Victoria Cross Metro station in North Sydney on 11 September 2024.]