My week of Monday 5 to Sunday 11 June 2023 was remarkably unproductive. However we celebrated World Gin Day on Saturday and learned more about the remarkable Quong Tart. That’s a man, not a dessert.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 680: Gin, Quong Tart, and a lack of productivity”Digital developments from Canberra 39
It’s that weird gap between Budget Night and Parliament’s winter break, when things tend to be routine. And indeed, we have a bunch of Treasury work.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 39”Weekly Wrap 679: A cow, a podcast, and some disturbing muskiness
My week of Monday 29 May to Sunday 4 June 2023 was more than a day ago, so technically this post is late. There’s not much directly from me, but there’s some client material and a lot of Musky news.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 679: A cow, a podcast, and some disturbing muskiness”Digital developments from Canberra 38
Senate Estimates always provides some amusement, if by amusement you mean schadenfreude. We’ve had plenty of that, plus action on AI regulation, and much more. Read on...
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 38”Weekly Wrap 678: The Sapphire Weevil of Productivity
My week of Monday 22 to Sunday 28 May 2023 was wonderfully productive, but I can’t tell you much about it yet. So here’s an old photo of a weevil, and some links to Interesting Things.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 678: The Sapphire Weevil of Productivity”Digital developments from Canberra 37
We now know that some the people responsible for robodebt might face a corruption inquiry, and that ChatGPT is being used for stupid things. Also, SAP is expensive but hey we also knew that.
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