One billion Internet users (plus 150 million)

Somehow the news slipped by without us noticing, but some time in 1995 the one-billionth Internet user went online. There’s no central register of Internet users, so we don’t know who it was, or when they first logged on. But statistically, it was probably a 24-year-old woman in Shanghai.

In the time since then, the number has grown another 150 million or so, ball park. 36% of Internet users are now in Asia and 24% are in Europe. Only 23% of users are in North America, where it all started in 1969 when two computers — one in Los Angeles, the other in Palo Alto — were networked together.

Suwannakorn at Europe Grill


’Pong says:

For the first time, my works are exposed in Australia. It is Walking the Street 06, an annual community event organised by Inner West Cultural Service. I am one of the selected artists who have their artworks installed in shop fronts along King Street South, which is from Newtown Station to Sydney Park. King Street, Newtown is one of the coolest shopping streets in Australia. In the event, the street is even more colourful with artworks from diverse artists. And it’s free!

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